Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Delphi Method - Interactively Forecasting the Future

The Delphi method is a communication technique leveraged for long-term predictions or forecasts. The approach resides on the theory that projections are more accurate when developed by a structured group of experts instead of an unstructured assembly (Tidd & Bessant, 2005). The Delphi method's process begins with a survey, gathering feedback from experts on future trends, technology, and growth likelihood. The qualitative approach uses iteration with the group, often polling the audience multiple times with a more narrow-focused question set. The selection of experts and the choice of questions are important, contributing to the reasoning behind numerous iterations of questioning (Okoli & Pawlowski, 2004). The process is intentionally individualized, as opposed to a group meeting format, so that the group is not influenced or persuaded by a single person (Tidd & Bessant, 2005).

In Okoli and Pawlowski (2004), the research indicates that the Delphi method is a compelling theory development method. First, the initial stages enable variable development and generation of propositions. Next, the diversity of the experts leads to the strengthening of the grounded theory and likelihood of theory applicability. Third, justification of an expert's answer leads to a better understanding of causal relationships between factors underpinning the approach. Lastly, the method contributes to "construct validity," or the precise definition of the paradigm. While theory construction is not a traditional use of the Delphi method, it illustrates an interesting use case. 

Another forecasting method is scenario development, which are consistent accounts of possible future outcomes. The scenario method applies best under two different situations; first, when a desired vision of the future exists, and scenarios enable different achievement pathways; secondly, for exploration and discovery where no explicit objective exists. Various scenarios are typical, accounting for different assumptions and understandings of forces driving change. The execution of scenario development includes mixing two methods, quantitative (leveraging data as input) and qualitative (to capture expectations and assessments). The result of scenarios is advantageous in evaluating potential events and the impacts those events might have when combined on an outcome. The scenario design leverages critical indicators to measure the effort's progress and compare different results (Tidd & Bessant, 2005).

In Ramirez et al. (2015), scenarios produce what the authors call "interesting research," referring to research efforts that are both innovative and develop theory. Scenarios in research enable narratives for a specific purpose, often providing new insights for additional work. The scenario development method is a viable solution for research methodology by establishing epistemological issues once seen as barriers. Like the Delphi method, scenario development is not limited to traditional research objects but as a proven option for theory development. 

The Delphi method and scenario development are best for long-term forecasting and predictive outcomes. The Delphi method, based on segregated input from participants, builds a consensus through iteration. The scenario development method works well in high ambiguity situations by using indicators as intervals towards an outcome. Each method has its own set of risks. The Delphi method is challenging when experts disagree to the point where a consensus is unreachable. Also, selecting the wrong group of experts or choosing incorrect questions may lead to an erroneous conclusion. The scenario development method is often time-consuming and, without useful indicators, might lead to unacceptable outcomes (Tidd & Bessant, 2005). However, in Okoli and Pawlowski (2004) and Ramirez et al. (2015), it becomes clear that both methods can extend into the theory development space, a unique perspective on the two traditional methods. 


Okoli, C., & Pawlowski, S. D. (2004). The Delphi method as a research tool: an example, design considerations and applications. Information & Management, 42(1), 15-29. 

Ramirez, R., Mukherjee, M., Vezzoli, S., & Kramer, A. M. (2015). Scenarios as a scholarly methodology to produce "interesting research". Futures, 71, 70-87. 

Tidd, J., & Bessant, J. (2005). Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market, and Organizational Change. Wiley.


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Leveraging AI to Better Enable Accessibility


Credit: fizkes /, cve iv /, and Kate Roesch / EDUCAUSE © 2020

In the previous discussion, we examined six ethical questions that professionals must consider when developing Artificial Intelligence (AI)  solutions. In this post, we extend the topic of AI towards emerging technologies and trends. The impact that AI has on accessibility holds great promise; however, the COVID-19 pandemic illuminates the need for better technology to assist vulnerable populations that struggle with environmental shifts. For example, in the wake of the pandemic, many organizations, such as educational institutions, made emergency shifts to transition traditional learning environments to online learning. While this type of change affects all students, the impacts are especially difficult for students with disabilities. In a recent EDUCAUSE Exchange podcast, Brewer et al. (2020) experts discuss AI for improving accessibility for higher education students with disabilities, including the challenges and emerging opportunities for AI.  The EDUCAUSE research community is the custodian of the annual Horizon Report, a forum for advancing higher education and technology choices (Brown et al., 2020). 

In a 2016 survey of undergraduate students, 19% of the respondents indicated having some type of disability, whether physically visible or invisible to others. Further, given the population had the choice not to answer disability-related questions, researchers believe the actual percentage is even higher (Gierdowski & Galanek, 2020). The key findings from the study as a result of the survey provide multiple opportunities. Still, one particular relates directly to AI: the desire for a more engaging classroom experience through interactive technology. In Brewer et al. (2020), the panelists elaborate on three specific areas where AI can better student independence and learning. 

First is improving the user experience, especially in Machine Language (ML) based speech synthesis. While the quality of synthetic speech is refining, the venture aims at becoming a more natural and conversational dialog. The second area involves the improvement of self-contained processes. AI technology must produce accessible content rapidly and in real-time as opposed to reliance on manual conversion techniques. For example, the future vision includes AI automatically describing images, something that is not near operational. Lastly, AI and ML's advancement provides new interaction methods, such as spoken dialog models for the visually impaired. The future of natural language interaction depends on advances in AI/ML technology, where research and commercial entities must work together to develop and produce technologies (Prajwal et al., 2019). 

Two forces that challenge the advancement are technical and socioeconomic, where the consumer marketplace is a driving factor. Large organizations such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google all have products on the market that enable Natural Language Processing (NLP) through AI/ML-based technology. For example, the Amazon Alexa product is available on a wide range of devices and growing in popularity as a consumer offering. Amazon is currently in trial with new features that enable bi-model dialog between humans and computers, which is no trivial task (Metz, 2020). To reach the goals described in Brewer et al. (2020), advancements in the integration of AI, ML, and NLP is the critical component towards natural language interaction. The emergence in integrating the three components driven from multiple domains holds promise for improving technology in education for learners with a disability (Kang et al., 2020). 


Brewer, J., Gerard, C., & Hakkinen, M. (2020). EDUCAUSE Exchange In The Impact of AI on Accessibility.


Brown, M., McCormack, M., Reeves, J., Brook, D. C., Grajek, S., Alexander, B., Bali, M., Bulger, S., Dark, S., Engelbert, N., Gannon, K., Gauthier, A., Gibson, D., Gibson, R., Lundin, B., Veletsianos, G., & Weber, N. (2020). 2020 Educause Horizon Report Teaching and Learning Edition.


Gierdowski, D. C., & Galanek, J. D. (2020). ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities, 2020. EDUCAUSE Review.


Kang, Y., Cai, Z., Tan, C.-W., Huang, Q., & Liu, H. (2020, 2020/04/02). Natural language processing (NLP) in management research: A literature review. Journal of Management Analytics, 7(2), 139-172.


Metz, R. (2020). Why Amazon's new Alexa conversation feature is so hard to pull off. CNN Business.


Prajwal, S. V., Mamatha, G., Ravi, P., Manoj, D., & Joisa, S. K. (2019). Universal Semantic Web Assistant based on Sequence to Sequence Model and Natural Language Understanding. 2019 9th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC), 110-115.



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

6 Big Ethical Questions about the Future of AI

For this assignment, I selected the Ted Talk video, “6 big ethical questions about the future of AI”, by Genevieve Bell (Bell, 2020). The talk focuses on integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into society and the responsibility that occupies those decisions. The scaling of technology is predictable and assumed to be stable; however, AI scaling must be done safely. The 3Ai Institute at the Australian National University, started in 2017, has a single mission; to establish a new branch of engineering that takes AI safely, sustainably, and responsibly to scale. The institution believes the asking and framing of questions are as important as problem-solving. Questioning reveals new possibilities and challenges that often lack consideration during traditional problem-solving.

In the video, Professor Bell elaborates on six key ethical questions for taking AI safely, sustainably, and responsibly to scale.

1)  Autonomy. Is the system autonomous?  Autonomous systems can take action without being told to do so.

2)  Agency. Does the system have agency?  Agency refers to controls and limitations that prevent specific actions under certain conditions.

3)  Assurance. How do we think about assurance?  Assurance includes all the pieces that comprise a system, including safety, security, trust, risk, liability, manageability, ethics, law, and regulations.
4)  Indicators. What will the indicators be that measure success?  The two most common measures of a system are productivity and efficiency. AI-driven systems must also be sustainable, safe, and responsible.
5)  Interfaces. What will the interfaces be?  As AI drives new technology and systems, the methods we interact with these systems will change.
6)  Intentionality. What is the system’s intent?  Intentionality is the most critical question and addresses the purpose and reasoning behind the system. We must consider what world the system is creating and its relationship to the world we live in today.

In considering an AI-Driven system, the six questions are not simple. When framing the questions correctly, they contribute to designing, building, regulating, and even decommissioning legacy systems. Further, the questions are not independent but thoughtfully addressed as a collaborative effort. The questions enable both scalability and boundaries, which are especially important for safety. The institute anchors the six questions on previous work in cybernetics, as early as the 1950s when researchers addressed concerns around control and communication of technology.

Two forces to elaborate on in consideration of the six questions include intentional and ethical. While the future often appears optimistic in the AI domain, good stewards must consider both intended and unintended (but predictable) consequences that might surface from the solution. Poorly implemented AI systems may yield ambiguous models, bias, or liabilities that enable an adversary. The six questions help address intentionality and mitigate risks (Zhen et al., 2019).

Ethics is another force that is critical to enabling or bounding AI solutions. For example, in the healthcare field, privacy, ownership, and efficacy are essential elements to both the provider and patient, requiring careful protection and stewardship of information. While the goal is to provide better care and reduced costs through system efficiency, failure to address ethical sensitivities jeopardizes public trust in the entire system (Morley et al., 2020).


Bell, G. (2020). 6 big ethical questions about the future of AI


Morley, J., Machado, C. C. V., Burr, C., Cowls, J., Joshi, I., Taddeo, M., & Floridi, L. (2020). The ethics of AI in health care: A mapping review. Social Science & Medicine, 260, 113172.


Zhen, J., Beam, A., Saria, S., & Mendonça, E. (2019). Potential trade‐offs and unintended consequences of AI. Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: The Hope, the Hype, the Promise, the Peril, 89.



Innovative Ideas! Possibilities for the next 20 years!

Given the world today, my innovation revolves around technology becoming a more powerful asset in preventing future pandemics. Throughout my lifetime, I have only witnessed prosperity, growth, enablement, and comfort. I have never had exposure to world war, economic depression, hunger, or natural disaster. Although many tragic events have unfolded during my lifetime, most have been distanced and admittedly not drastically changing my daily life. An article written by a college student, Alyssa Ahlgren, debates Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's belief that the entire millennial generation has never witnessed American prosperity (Ahlgren, 2019). While I appreciate the diverse perspectives of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, I have only experienced prosperity. 

However, the current COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a destructive force, at a global level, that in some way affects everyone. I see children, my own included, now being deprived of rich, interactive educations and social environments that only months ago were commonplace. I see relationships between family and friends distanced due to the lack of personal engagement. I see family, friends, and my community economically impacted to unrecoverable levels. Finally, I see my wife come home every day from working as a registered nurse with frustration, anger, and painful heartache the pandemic has caused. I hear people refer to "post-pandemic" norms and the return of life as we knew it. The question is, will we ever return to "normal"?  I believe an enormous impact of the pandemic is the loss of time. Time is the one element that cannot be bought, stored, or retrieved. It was Benjamin Franklin that stated, "Lost time is never found again."

I want to anchor back to this discussion board's purpose and share an innovative idea of using technology to prevent future events as destructive as COVID-19. As technology offers hope towards earlier detection, testing, inoculation, and treatment, the prospects are incredible, improving public safety at global levels (Wang et al., 2020). However, we need to imagine a world where technology helps identify and address the disease well before it ever reaches pandemic levels.  Prevention, not the reaction to a pandemic, is the goal. Through the combination of forces, technical, cultural, environmental, and social, significant research and learnings already exist. Research organizations such as the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) are working on new and emerging solutions to all aspects of disease prevention (PNNL Researchers Confront COVID-19 Challenges, 2021).

Specifically, two exciting forces that define innovation of disease detection and prevention include technological and social entities. The technological forces driving innovation are in full strength. The key to advancement in multiple areas resides in the maturation of Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. In Obermeyer and Emanuel (2016), medical doctors identify these technologies as the future of clinical medicine. The trend must continue and research-driven to address the most difficult challenges. Secondly, social forces resulting from the pandemic are emerging and addressing problems in new ways by leveraging and extending promising practices. Examples specific to healthcare include developing economically viable pain care models, telehealth, virtual visits, and outcomes-based clinical care models (Gallagher, 2021). Simultaneously, innovative thinking is inspiring and can drive ideas forward leverage forces used as a springboard to develop new solutions.

Pandemics represent a growing threat to humans' health across the planet stemming from the rise of emerging disease events that ignite them.  COVID-19 is an example of an uncertain path and growth curve that results in economic collapse, mental health disorders, illness, and death while the global population waits for a vaccine.   Pandemics originate from a diverse collection of microbes found in animal reservoirs with emergence driven by human activities.  The unsustainable exploitation of the environment due to change, expansion, wildlife trade are all human factors driving pandemics (Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 2020). 

The intent of my work this term is to illustrate how Big Data Analytics can drive pandemic prevention in the next decade through discovery, automation, and critical decision making.  While the topic domain appears overwhelming, the sensation is complementary to futurism.


Ahlgren, A. (2019). College Student: My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us. Foundation for Economic Education.


Gallagher, R. M. (2021). The Social Forces Healing Patients with Painful Conditions: What Happens After COVID-19? Pain Medicine.


Obermeyer, Z., & Emanuel, E. J. (2016). Predicting the Future - Big Data, Machine Learning, and Clinical Medicine. The New England journal of medicine, 375(13), 1216-1219.


PNNL Researchers Confront COVID-19 Challenges. (2021).


Wang, C. J., Ng, C. Y., & Brook, R. H. (2020). Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan: Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing. JAMA, 323(14), 1341-1342.


Workshop Report on Biodiversity and Pandemics of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). (2020). I. Secretariat.  https://doi.org10.5281/zenodo.4311798


Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Future is Bright!


Hello and welcome to the future!

My blog intends to share findings, thoughts, and insights into the domain of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to empower innovation.  History is a compelling topic, and as humans, we naturally learn and mature from past trials and tribulations.  We can use the same lifecycle with historical data to inform insights and actions that transform our world.  Big Data's future is unbounded as we leverage technology to discover patterns, relationships, and hidden facts that enable a more sophisticated environment for all of us.  Whether the problem involves unlocking the mysteries of our climate, protecting the power grid, improving modern medicine, or solving global pandemics, Big Data is a catalyst for innovation!

My background resides on twenty-five years of computer science experience in various roles within Information Technology and research.  I earned my bachelor's degree in mathematics from Montana Tech and soon gained a master's degree in Business Administration.  After working ten years as a software engineer, I earned a second Master's degree in Computer Science.  I have spent most of my career at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory working with some of the brightest researchers and scientists in the world.  The laboratory is an exciting setting to innovate and address significant challenges dealing with the environment, energy, and security.

My goal is to use this blog to consider new ideas, discuss possibilities, and seed innovation using Big Data.  The domain is massive, and no single person can know it all. Still, together we can responsibly advance Big Data, contributing to new solutions.  As researchers, we are responsible for sharing our mistakes, learning from failure, and continuing to transform the world.  Please join me on this journey in Using Big Data to Empower Big Innovation!